- February 8 - Introducing Decentralized Chat
- February 8 - Enhancing Chat App Infrastructure with Webpack 5 Module Federation and AWS S3
- February 8 - P2P Social Media
- February 8 - Security, Privacy and Authentication
- February 8 - QR Codes as a Data Channel
- February 8 - P2P Video Calls in Virtual Reality: A New Frontier for Decentralized Communication
- February 8 - How to Install and Run Your Decentralized Chat App Across Multiple Platforms
- February 8 - Todo list With Functional Web Components
- February 8 - Dim: Functional Web Components
- February 8 - Decentralised Location Sharing
- February 8 - Decentralized Computer: Redefining the Future of Webtops
- February 8 - Decentralized Microfrontend Architecture
- February 8 - Bottom-up Browser Storage Management
- February 8 - Blockchain as a Data Structure in Chat Apps: A Novel Approach
- February 8 - Dim: Async State Management