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2 posts tagged with "s3"

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Decentralized Microfrontend Architecture

· 15 min read

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital communication, decentralization has emerged as a powerful concept with diverse interpretations and applications. This article explores our unique approach to decentralization in the context of a chat application, pushing the boundaries of what it means to be truly self-hosted and user-centric.

Our decentralized chat application reimagines the traditional centralized model by leveraging cutting-edge web technologies. Built as a Progressive Web App (PWA), it combines the best of both worlds - the accessibility of web applications and the rich functionality of native apps. What sets our approach apart is its commitment to operating independently of central servers, placing control firmly in the hands of users.

By prioritizing user privacy and data security, we've created an architecture that challenges conventional notions of chat applications. This article will take you on a deep dive into the innovative components and architectural decisions that form the backbone of our truly decentralized chat app, showcasing how we're redefining digital communication for the privacy-conscious era.

Enhancing Chat App Infrastructure with Webpack 5 Module Federation and AWS S3

· 6 min read

In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development, creating scalable and maintainable applications is a challenge. For our chat application, which is akin to WhatsApp, we’ve embraced a modern approach to infrastructure using Webpack 5 Module Federation and AWS S3. This article delves into our strategy for using these technologies, focusing on transitioning from a traditional setup to a micro frontend architecture and this approach's potential benefits and challenges.