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2 posts tagged with "virtual reality"

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P2P Video Calls in Virtual Reality: A New Frontier for Decentralized Communication

· 8 min read

We are excited to announce a transformative new feature in our app: Decentralized PeertoPeer (P2P) Video Calls in Virtual Reality—directly within your browser. This feature represents a significant leap forward in enabling secure, immersive, and interactive communication experiences.

Introducing Decentralized Chat

· 7 min read

In an age where digital communication is a cornerstone of our daily interactions, the need for privacy and control over personal data has never been more pressing. With this in mind, we are excited to introduce a groundbreaking approach to decentralized communication through our new chat application. This Progressive Web App (PWA), built using JavaScript, offers a unique take on connecting online, emphasizing transparency, collaboration, and community-driven development.